Section 3 Our Separation From God - 09 Supernatural Phenomenon

Question: How young do we have to be (mindset)?

God’s answer:

Age of innocence

Question: What do you mean by age of innocence?

God’s answer:


Question: God is this the end of this Chapter --- is everything correct and complete, would you like to give a concluding message, blessing:

God’s answer:

In summary, I can explain everything.

Meaning: If you want to know and understand any kind of supernatural phenomenon, you only need to ask God and he will explain it to you.

Then God added:

Simon the Magician
Let your reason be love

Meaning: Simon the Magician wanted to buy the “powers of God”. There are many instances when people seek the spiritual life not to deepen their relationship with God but in the desire to have supernatural powers (i.e. the power to heal, prophecy, speak in tongues, talk to spirits, etc.)


Question: Is this correct?

God’s answer:

“To see thee more clearly, Love thee more dearly, Follow thee more nearly.”

Meaning: Godspell is the title of a Broadway play from which the song “Day by Day” came from. The second line is part of the lyrics of that song.

"Day by Day" is a song from the 1971 Stephen Schwartz and John-Michael Tebelak musical Godspell. Its refrain follows a prayer ascribed to the 13th- century English bishop Saint Richard of Chichester:

May I know Thee more clearly,
Love Thee more dearly,
Follow Thee more nearly.”50

God used the word Godspell in line with what this chapter is about, and in reference to seeking “powers”.

The second line is a reiteration of God’s message “Let our reason be love”.

Day by Day

Day by day,
Day by day,
Oh Dear Lord
Three things I pray
To see thee more clearly
Love thee more dearly
Follow thee more nearly
Day by day

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